Garret Cook, hailing from the "Show Me State," proved he had what it takes to secure a spot on "Team 33." With his size, strength, athleticism, and versatility, he makes a big impact on the mound, at first base, and the plate. However, what truly sets Garret apart is his polite, professional demeanor at such a young age. As a Missouri Western State University commit, there's no doubt he'll be a valuable leader both on and off the field.
Name: Garret Cook
Nickname: Cookie
Righty/Lefty: Lefty/Lefty
Social: IG (@g-cook52)
Age: 18
Hometown: Bolivar, Missouri
School: Bolivar High School
Family: My family is a very big baseball family. Both my brother and I played baseball at a young age, and both have or are going to play collegiate baseball.
Pets: Two Dogs. Molly and Max
Positions Played: 1B and Pitcher
Favorite Position: 1B
Current Team: My high school team and US Nationals
Plans For 25’: Play my High School season and make it to a championship and then go to Missouri Western State University and play my best up there.
Other Sports: Football and Basketball.
What Do You Love Most About Baseball: I think I value failure the most. If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Superstitions: If I hit well with a certain pair of batting gloves, I won’t change them till they fall apart.
Pregame Hype Mix: Anything by Gunna and Lil Baby
Favorite Pregame Food: Subway Sandwiches
Favorite Postgame Food: Chipotle
3 Favorite Baseball Movies: Moneyball, 42, Benchwarmers
3 Favorite Non-Baseball Movies: Happy Gilmore, Dumb and Dumber, Paul Blart Mall Cops
Favorite baseball moment as a player: Hitting a walk-off grand slam to go to the championship.
Go back in time and watch any 1 baseball game: Game 6 of the 2011 World Series
Dream College Program To Play For: MWSU is a great school, and I am grateful to be signed there, but I would like to eventually transfer out to a D1 program.
Favorite MLB Team: STL Cardinals
Favorite MLB Player: Matt Adams
If We Asked Your Coach To Tell Us His/her Thoughts About You, What Would He/She Say: He would say that I am a good leader on and off the field.
Any Thanks You Would Like To Mention: My Mom and Dad!